Offences Relating to Marriage in India under the Indian Penal Code: A Socio-Legal Study




Marriage offenses, domestic violence against women, legal remedies for a woman in marriage crime, rights of a woman in matrimonial relation


The foundation of marriage has existed in every society. It has been explained in the Rigveda and other various sacred texts, that females in ancient India had an eminent place with regards in public. In ancient times, marriage was seen as an important ceremony, and women had the same importance as men in society. In the past, marriage was seen as a very important event, but it made women have less power. Over time the financial, social, and political ways of life, females lost their status and regard in the society. Chapter XX of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) encompasses offenses related to marriage. All these offenses fall under the jurisdiction of the institution of marriage. The present socio-legal study focuses on factors responsible for the offences related to marriage in India. There are laws for the protection of women related to marriage abuse but still the crime is in increasing trend. Moreover, most of the crimes are not reported and, in our society, those crimes are considered part of married life for a woman. With the help of this doctrinal and non-doctrinal research methodology. This research paper emphasized the factors contributing to crime. Challenges to control and in the last part consider the suggestions which can help at least in reducing if not eliminating these types of crime.


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How to Cite

Aarvi Sunger, & Dr. Ramesh Kumar. (2024). Offences Relating to Marriage in India under the Indian Penal Code: A Socio-Legal Study. Legal Research Development, 8(IV), 56–70.





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