Meninism and Preconceived Ideology with specific Indian Dimension of Human Rights in Today’s Changing Globalized Scenario: A Critical Appraisal




Abuse of Law, Equal rights, Gender justice, Human rights of men, Men’s human rights, Human rights for men, International human rights of men, Human rights of men in India


Men and Women both are an integral part of nature and integrant with each and another for wholeness to ensure the existence and survival of this human life in contrary time also for revitalization and revival in this mortal world. When time is changed then human conduct also changes consequently some women are abusing the law against men resultantly human rights of men are being violated very seriously in the gravest manner which is the contravention of life, personal liberty and security of men. The deprivation and endanger of life, personal liberty and security of men is in very plight conditions under exceptions in India. To prevent the abuses of law, preconceived ideology, predefined consequences against men in the protection of human rights to secure ends of justice for men is now need of hour and necessity. This research paper deals with human rights of men in today’s changing scenario. It has specially been emphasized on the preconceived ideology of people against men on this basis the discrimination and decision are taken prejudicially. Some laws also are in existence due to this preconceived ideology which is not justified in today’s changing globalized world under rule of law and democratic society, subjecting to exceptions. This preconceived ideology and its predefined consequences against men are inconsistent with and in derogation of human rights, abridging and taking away the rights of men. It reveals the Quantum of doctrine of protective discrimination for women against men, bearing in mind the principle of reasonable classification. When any person says or justifies that the particular thing is right or wrong, the same is stated on the basis of foundation root or quantum of knowledge of that person thereby the person has the understanding and sensibility accordingly and consequently, the person acts. But this research article does not include misogyny. It is not against the feminism. The history gives the evidences about the untold sorrow of women for the contravention of their human rights. This research article also is in favour of women empowerment and women human rights but no innocent men be sentenced. Everyone has inherent human rights by birth including human rights of men. Human rights for men are also available as per laws in today’s changing globalized world. 


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Art. 14, the Constitution of India (1950).

Id. Art. 13.

Id. Art. 15 (3).

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Sec.164 (5), (5A), the Code of Criminal Procedure (1973).

Sec.193, the Indian Penal Code (1860).

Sec. 211, the Indian Penal Code (1860).

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Sec. 383, the Indian Penal Code (1860).

Sec. 388 and 389, the Indian Penal Code (1860).

Sec. 482, the Code of Criminal Procedure (1973).

Preamble, Art. 3,2,8,10,12 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

Preamble, Art. 1 (3), 13 (b), 8, 55 (c), 76 (c), UN Charter (1945).

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How to Cite

Dr. Ramesh Kumar, & Rohit Kumar Verma. (2022). Meninism and Preconceived Ideology with specific Indian Dimension of Human Rights in Today’s Changing Globalized Scenario: A Critical Appraisal. Legal Research Development, 7(I), 27–29.




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