India and Climate Changes: A Study of Legal Framework
Law and Policy as to Climate, National Green Tribunal,, NAPCC, Green house effects, EnvironmentAbstract
In the world, several countries are facing challenges due to climate change, out of them India’s main environmental problem is Climate change along with several other problems. This problem is affecting the living style of people and the country’s economy. The main cause of Climate variation is the accumulation of GHGs in the environment. Recent occurrences have unequivocally shown how vulnerable we are to climate variation. The consequence of climate change/variation will affect everything from cultivation to human health. After many years of the launch of NAPCC finally Indian Government on June 30, 2008, decided to bring into action the climate change plan to reduce/mitigate and adapt to change in climate. Further, there were many other responses to Climate variation to finance and advance clean energy activities as well as sponsoring research in the field, the Indian government established the NCEF in 2010 and the Paris Agreement in which India made three commitments. Ecosystems and social systems already under intense pressure from rapid industrialization, urbanization, and economic growth will be further strained by climate change. This paper will deal with what climate change is- how India is affected by Climate variation - How our Country is adapting to the collision of Climate change/variation- whether the Climate variation legislation is properly implemented or not- what the directions are given by NGT to the Indian government.
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National Green Courts Act 2010, Sec 19
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The Constitution of India, Art 21.
Ibid, Art. 48A.
Ibid Art. 51A
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