

Legal Research Development an International Refereed e-Journal (ISSN: 2456-3870) can be found at libraries, Libraries of Universities and at the International platform(s) including abstracting or listing.

Now Open Access Article is available at Harvard Univerity Library,

 1.      Library of the Federal Fiscal Court, Munich
2.      University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
3.      State Library Regensburg   
4.      Library of the Technical University of Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm 
5.      Library of the HTW Berlin
6.      University library of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt / Oder       
7.      Eichstätt-Ingolstadt University Library    
8.      University library of the LMU Munich
9.      Clausthal University Library         
10.  Kiel University Library       
11.  Library of the Technical University of Hamburg
12.  University library of the Bauhaus University Weimar
13.  University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt
14.  Greifswald University Library       
15.  UB of the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
16.  Library of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
17.  University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover – Library
18.  Library of the Technical University of Hamburg
19.  University of Hamburg        
20.  Bamberg University Library          
21.  Bayreuth University Library          
22.  Cottbus-Senftenberg University Library   
23.  Würzburg University Library        
24.  Library of Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven
25.  Library of Jade University of Applied Sciences
26.  Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel, Germany
27.  Osnabrück University Library, Germany
28.  Vechta University Library
29.  Central university library in Flensburg
30.  Library of the University of Hanover
31.  Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library