From Labels to Legitimacy: Necessities for Trademark Law in Protecting Food Brands




Food industry, Trademark, Brands, E-commerce, Counterfeiting, Brand dilution


The article examines the intricate relationship between the food industry in India and trademark laws. It is now more imperative than ever that Indian brands have a strong trademark protection as the food industry in the country intensifies its growth and has added new categories at an incredible pace. The challenges of online infringement, threats of genericization and copying, which threaten not only consumers’ safety and branding, but also brand images and identities themselves. Additionally, the article highlights future perspectives essential for safeguarding brand integrity in a competitive marketplace.

The Trademarks Act of 1999 serves as the foundation for trademark protection in India and is essential in facilitating food brands in conquering challenges such counterfeiting, genericization, and brand dilution. We advocate improved protection of trade dress that influences customers' perceptions of brands and can avoid market confusion. In order to mitigate these issues, it emphasizes the importance of increasing public awareness of trademarks and the risks associated with counterfeit products.

E-commerce platforms play an important role in our digital age. These platforms can mitigate trademark infringement and hold parties responsible by enforcing stringent takedown policies and vetting vendors. Furthermore, employing technology curb challenges posed in the food industry.

Finally, in order to effectively address unique challenges faced by the food industry, a thoughtful revision of the current trademark law is imperative to ensure trademark protection crucial for establishing customer confidence and guaranteeing the authenticity of food products, and this may be achieved by strengthening legal frameworks and promoting cooperation among industry stakeholders. In turn, this will help India's thriving food industry's producers and customers.


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Author Biography

Dr. Manjusha, Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University, Institute of Management and Research, New Delhi (India)

Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University, Institute of Management and Research, New Delhi (India)


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How to Cite

Ms. Arushi Johri, & Dr. Manjusha. (2024). From Labels to Legitimacy: Necessities for Trademark Law in Protecting Food Brands. Legal Research Development, 9(I), 39–50.


